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Creating change without therapy.

Let's be honest, therapy doesn't work for everyone. Therapy is not appropriate for everyone. If we know on the front end that it is not the best option, it's a waste of your time and mine to get you going into therapy.

There are ways that you can create changes without engaging in therapy. Let's figure out if therapy is right for you.


the unclear answer is, it depends...

By now, you might be wondering:

Disclaimer: I am not your psychologist, we are not entering any professional agreement. Any services that you do enter with a mental health professional requires your consent, notice of privacy practices and other applicable requirements by your jurisdiction….The contents shared with you are for informational purposes.


Why I choose to do this

I see SO many people struggling…many of whom do not have the resources to get the services they need. Sometimes people are not even able to continue with therapy due to finances. I am breaking the barrier…


So I started thinking…what can I do to reach more people, so that everyone can have access to the same information that will greatly increase the quality of life for themselves and their families?


Again. Why do this?

As each year passes, more people are continuing to struggle with the dynamics that come with raising a family and the more information I share, the more people have been saying “you need to get this information out to more people” “I wish I knew that before” “This is sooo needed” “This is too helpful” “Thank you.” So after a couple of years of getting this feedback, Co-Parenting 101 is finally rolling out...

Why would a psychologist tell me not to get therapy?

How do I know if I actually should start therapy?

If not therapy, then what?

The simple answer is I care about what I do, I value honesty and I do not want to be misleading. If someone elects to engage in therapy for their own purposes, then great! There could be other valid reasons as well. Therapy is a lot of work when done right and requires commitment from both sides of the therapeutic relationship. Lots of time and money will be wasted if that is not present.

The best way to know is to schedule a free 15 minute consultation to discuss your specific situation. You know yourself and what you want/need the best so we can start from there and then come up with a specific plan for you!

Again, I cannot stress enough that individual factors are important here. There are some instances when people may require brief consultation to discuss options, coaching to get some ideas about what they can do, along with some homework to follow up, or actual need for therapy and working through some really difficult emotions.

"Non-Therapy" Options

Free Resources

Available to anyone who would like more information about family/parenting/self-care.


The first 15 minutes are free. A brief meeting to discuss what specific areas are problematic and what needs to be addressed.

1-1 Coaching

One hour visits scheduled as needed for guidance with a particular issue. No diagnosis is given. A plan of action is developed with follow up steps/homework.

For parents sharing the responsibility of raising a child with someone they are not in a relationship with. These parents have mild to moderate struggles and need some gentle guidance to feel more grounded in their parenting struggles.

A monthly collaboration of fellow co-parents who are striving to create better home environments and better lives for their children. These individuals are motivated for change and truly looking out for the best interests of their children and having a better life themselves.

This is an 8 week intensive program. Designed for parents who are fed up with high conflict dynamics and have potentially spent thousands of dollars in court and years of their lives litigating about their children. This program is useful for parents who often feel like their efforts have made no progress and don't see how things will ever change. 

Your better life is counting on you.

What do I do next?


Scheduling the consult gives you direct access to me to ask any questions you might have. You can choose to call first if you wish but the answering service will likely divert your info to me for me to then schedule with you. They are not equipped with detailed information regarding services.


Answer all of the pre-meeting questions.

The time of the free consultation is really brief and it helps if I have an idea of what it is you're wondering or struggling with so that we can get right to the point.



Come with a list of your own questions before our scheduled time.

If you have any burning questions now, write them down/jot them down in your phone. If anything else comes to mind before our meeting, be sure to include those as well.

If anyone else will be involved in your decision to start, include them in the consultation.

Whether it is your spouse or your attorney or your sister, if anyone else is going to be impacted by your participation or is involved in any financial decisions regarding it, please invite that person as well. You will have the option to do so once you receive the link.

Other questions?
Send a message


"I am able to recognize some of the areas I needed to change that I did not even consider! You would be surprised at how much that can make a difference!"

"This is not the conclusion I thought I would come to but it is the one that is best for me."

"Wow, I didn't know that. Thank you so much! There were so many things we have been struggling with for years. I feel hopeful now that we have gone through this."


By now, you hopefully have a decent idea of what might work for you. Select your preference...

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